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Our goal is for your kids to have a genuine relationship with God, build a Biblical foundation for their lives, grow with friends and leaders, and love being at church. We desire to come alongside you and provide resources for your family to be healthy and equipped, and to empower every kid to be a life-long disciple of Christ.

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”  –  3 John 1:4

What to Expect

From babies to fifth graders, our team wants to give your family an excellent experience.


When you arrive, our team will happily show you the way to the children’s area. You’ll go to the first-time check-in station where you can tell us a little about your family to help us serve you well. On our check-in form, we’ll ask things like what allergies your child may have, how many children are in your family, and get your contact information. Or you can fill out the (new family check-in) form online to save a few minutes when you check-in for the first time.


Then, you and your child will both get a sticker with a matching code. If for any reason we need to reach you during the service, you’ll see your child’s code on the screen. This sticker is also what you’ll use to pick up your child after the service.


Ages 2 months - 2 years

Sprouts is designed for our smallest members to have a fun and safe environment suited for their age group. They have worship, story, snack, and interactive playtime.

Valley Kids Jr

Ages 3 - 4 years

We are ready to share Jesus with kids ages three through five. Join us for a time of play, snacks, crafts, Bible Story, singing, and fun. Each classroom is filled with volunteers who are ready to share the love of Jesus with your growing preschoolers.

Valley Kids

Ages 5 - 11 years

Come join us for an exciting time of Worship, Prayer, Stories, Object Lessons, and Games! It has everything an adult service has, with a ton of fun games, rewards, and community sprinkled in. This is the kind of kids' church you wish you had growing up.

new to ValleyKids?

Valley Kids is for 2 months to 5th grade.


If you are joining us for the first time this Sunday, we are so excited to meet you! To expedite check-in, please fill out the form below.

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